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Systems Integration

You can benefit from our proven knowlegde in systems integration to get a customized solution which meets your business requirements. Our experienced and skilled team assures you innovative solutions which will add value to your business.

Information and processes integration improves organization management and quality of service. High rates of generated data by business services and spread across multiple systems challenges users to keep up. Systems integration addresses highly complex IT environments which require a comprehensive approach to define the integration needs and serve useful and timely information to the business.



Our integration services cover organizations main requirements and can be performed at different levels:

  • Data integration, transfer data between systems and applications, either in real time or through batch processing; Synchronization between data models and semantics
  • Business Process Integration, integration of data and functionality through a BPM layer (Business Process Management)
  • Application Integration, applications and services integration through web services, standard or custom developed connectors


Depending on the existing technological environments and business requirements, the integration process can be carried out with different technologies, including:

  • XML - Used to transfer or persist applications data. For example format and validate database data from an external client. Through XML is extremely easy to send formatted and validated information to any aplicational system.
  • Web Services - Access applications services and make two-way exchange of data securely between internal and external systems
  • JDBC drivers to establish database connections with the most common databases
  • Pass Through Authentication - Delegate login information to domain controller applications
  • Authentication through LDAP, Active Directory or RADIUS Connectors
  • Connect to cloud services, e-mail servers, FTP, DAV (Amazon, Google, Dropbox)